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Self-Care (Inside Out, Outside In)

Breathing exercises minimal (and optional)

Available Online, Self-paced, and In-person.

Self-care is not something that caring professionals do to be ok with untenable working conditions. Rather, caring professionals practice self care because:

  1. We are human beings who deserve to be happy, safe, and well, and
  2. As we become more skilled in self-care through the Eight Dimensions of Wellness, we can better see how current systems may cause harm–and how to transform them.

Self care happens from the inside-out.

Most other professional learning in self-care will include a variety of breathing techniques and mindfulness exercises. I enjoy breathing exercises and mindfulness. However, I am not in charge of your lungs. I couldn’t possibly know for sure if breathing exercises are what you need for your self-care. In fact, I can imagine many instances where breathing exercises would never be able to address what you–yourSelf–needs to be happy, safe, and well.

Instead, I invite you to explore get to know yourself through the Eight Dimensions of Wellness. Through paired texts, sorting, and personal reflection, you and your team will identify one of Eight Dimensions of wellness that you are ready to engage–from the inside-out.

Self-care also happens from the outside-in.

Our schools, districts, and organizations can also support self-care from the outside-in. Outside-in self-care happens when the place we work are:

  1. Informed about the Eight Dimensions of Wellness, and
  2. Intentional about making space for wellness within the normal course of work.

Not “Outside-in” Selfcare

Definitely “Outside-in” Selfcare

“This job is hard. Make time for self-care on your own time.” 

“This job is hard. We’ve created time and space for physical activity. Therapy is covered in our insurance plan. Also, we encourage you to take your PTO. Don’t worry…we’ve planned for how the work continues when you’re away.”

Regardless of our role, knowing what Outside-in Selfcare looks like can help us advocate for better working conditions and beautifully transform the workplace culture and climate.

Together, we create communities of care

Self-Care (Inside Out, Outside In) is the perfect professional learning option to explore for  any teacher, counselor, social worker, or school leader who has ever been told:

  • To “make time for self-care” amid ever-increasing and impossible expectations,
  • To focus on academics while their students’ basic needs are unmet, or
  • To “remember their why.”

In this course, you’ll learn concrete strategies to identify where you need care the most, and where you want to get started (because sometimes what you need and what you’re ready for might not be the same). You’ll also discover where your organization might become a resource for self-care, rather than the reason you’re seeking out a workshop on self-care.

Here is just one review from a participant in our self-paced online course:

Tim's course is a wonderful introduction to the basis of self-care and how important it is to maintain your health and wellness in giving professions. His teaching style is calm and thorough and addresses many elements of self-care that are not common knowledge. I think everyone should take this course.
Maizie Dunlap
Prevention Coordinator, Community Prevention Coalition of Pima County


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