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PBIS Tier 2

Tier 2 PBIS is a targeted intervention aimed at supporting students who may need more personalized support to meet unaddressed needs leading to unexpected behavior. While Tier 1 PBIS focuses on establishing a universal foundation for positive behavior across the entire school community, Tier 2 interventions target a smaller group of students who require additional support to be their best at school.

At Tier 2, we identify students who are exhibiting persistent or more severe behavioral difficulties that are not adequately addressed through Tier 1 strategies alone. These students may demonstrate patterns of disruptive behavior, frequent rule violations, or difficulty in social interactions. Through a systematic and data-driven approach, we assess their specific needs and develop individualized intervention plans to provide targeted support.

Generally, schools implementing Tier 2 PBIS begin with Check-in/Check-out (CICO) CICO is a highly adaptable framework that most schools can easily implement. Students participating in CICO receive frequent doses of positive feedback from school adults, including a dedicated CICO Coach who is not their teacher. When implemented well, CICO allows schools to tailor the intervention to address the unique needs and strengths of each student.

A key aspect of Tier 2 PBIS is the ongoing monitoring of student progress and the adjustment of interventions as needed. We collect data on student behavior and response to interventions to evaluate their effectiveness and make informed decisions about next steps. This data-driven approach allows us to refine and customize interventions to better meet the needs of individual students and maximize their success.

Furthermore, Tier 2 PBIS involves collaboration among educators, support staff, families, and other stakeholders to ensure a coordinated and comprehensive approach to supporting students. By providing targeted interventions and additional support to students at Tier 2, we aim to address their behavioral challenges proactively, promote their social-emotional development, and ultimately improve their overall academic and behavioral outcomes.

CICO-Check In, Check Out

PBIS Tier 1

School-wide essentials.

Tier 1 is where schools should usually begin their PBIS implementation. Together, we’ll uncover school values and build the systems necessary to live those values out loud throughout your campus and beyond.

PBIS Tier 2

Systems to provide some extra support and care.

Tier 2 is where PBIS begins to “sing.” Once built, your Tier 2 systems will be ready to support any students who needs a little extra support and care to be their best, all within a framework that’s easy to implement and monitor.

PBIS Tier 3

Whatever we can, for as long as it takes.

Tier 3 supports are for the student who is always on your mind and heart, and for the staff working to meet their needs. At Tier 3, we will work together to build systems of support for individual students that are based on a comprehensive look at overall wellness, student-led goals, and care for the entire team and family.

PBIS: Comprehensive Implementation

Whatever we can, for as long as it takes.

Tier 2 is where PBIS begins to “sing.” Once built, your Tier 2 systems will be ready to support any students who needs a little extra support and care to be their best, all within a framework that’s easy to implement and monitor.

Most importantly, know that starting out with PBIS will never require you to “start over” with anything you have already built that is working well for you. We are looking forward to building the kinds of classrooms and schools that those you serve will remember as warm, kind, and supportive places to learn.


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