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Positive Reinforcement Dos and Don’ts

Recognize the good your students bring to school every day. No more, and no less.

Positive Reinforcement Dos and Don’ts is a brief, one-hour course for anyone who wants to provide students with genuine and generous positive feedback. Often, schools implementing Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) will have a school-wide system for positive reinforcement. This course is also an outstanding opportunity for school leaders or PBIS team leaders to ensure that their school’s recognition system aligns with best practices in education as well as their own values.

You’ll also learn why TGS Educational Consulting will never recommend that you start a school store or in any way monetize positive feedback. Instead, you’ll explore how the points, tickets, marbles in jar, tally marks, stickers, or literally anything you do to recognize students ought to serve as a symbol of the positive interaction–no more, and no less.

Positive Reinforcement Dos and Don’ts includes:

  • The purpose of recognition systems in PBIS frameworks,
  • Common problems that cause adults and students to “fall out of love” with many approaches to positive reinforcement,
  • Why school stores tend work great for a while…and then not very well after that, and
  • Three examples of amazing recognition systems at elementary, middle, and high schools

Most importantly, this training reflects one important area where PBIS needs to evolve to serve our students effectively. PBIS is 60 years old, and what we know about teaching and learning has evolved considerably since then. Positive Reinforcement Dos and Don’t  takes a look at past practice and invites new thinking when necessary, particularly around the purpose of recognition systems within PBIS frameworks.

PBIS 101

Positive Reinforcement
Dos and Don’ts

Tier 1-
Problem Solving TEmplate

PBIS Tier 1

School-wide essentials.

Tier 1 is where schools should usually begin their PBIS implementation. Together, we’ll uncover school values and build the systems necessary to live those values out loud throughout your campus and beyond.

PBIS Tier 2

Systems to provide some extra support and care.

Tier 2 is where PBIS begins to “sing.” Once built, your Tier 2 systems will be ready to support any students who needs a little extra support and care to be their best, all within a framework that’s easy to implement and monitor.

PBIS Tier 3

Whatever we can, for as long as it takes.

Tier 3 supports are for the student who is always on your mind and heart, and for the staff working to meet their needs. At Tier 3, we will work together to build systems of support for individual students that are based on a comprehensive look at overall wellness, student-led goals, and care for the entire team and family.

PBIS: Comprehensive Implementation

Whatever we can, for as long as it takes.

Tier 2 is where PBIS begins to “sing.” Once built, your Tier 2 systems will be ready to support any students who needs a little extra support and care to be their best, all within a framework that’s easy to implement and monitor.

Most importantly, know that starting out with PBIS will never require you to “start over” with anything you have already built that is working well for you. We are looking forward to building the kinds of classrooms and schools that those you serve will remember as warm, kind, and supportive places to learn.


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