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Professional Learning Services

The right people, at the right time, in-person and online.

At TGS Educational Consulting, we offer professional learning activities to support you, the whole educator, so that you can meet the needs of the whole child in your classroom, school, or district. We don’t provide curriculum or content area resources, because our role is to support you and your team with everything a curriculum guide can’t…always blending research, training experience, and Dr. Tim’s hilarious honesty into our time together.

Our offerings expand as often as your lived experience. Bookmark this page or sign up for our newsletter for new professional learning opportunities!

Creating Inclusive Classrooms for Students with ADHD


For caring professionals experiencing the “costs of caring”, this content addresses burnout, secondary traumatic stress, and compassion fatigue. You’ll learn strategies to step into new sources of power and engage your wellness.

Creating Inclusive Classrooms for Students with ADHD
Burnount to Balance

From Burnout to Balance: Strategies for Teacher and Student Wellness

Support students with ADHD with evidence-based, classroom-possible intervention, and know that you are providing support that will help all students learn and grow. You’ll see significantly fewer unexpected behaviors and be ready to approach symptoms of ADHD with the best possible array of tools.

Positive Behavior
Interventions and Support

Whether you are seeking training in specific parts of PBIS, or looking to implement / elevate your current PBIS system,
we can support your school/district at Tier 1, 2, and 3.

Active Supervision

Active Supervision

A brief course/session for school personnel who supervise bus, playgrounds, lunchrooms, and common areas. You’ll learn how to use the three ingredients of active supervision (move, scan, and interact) to reduce unexpected behaviors and increase positive behaviors when students are in less structured, harder-to-supervise areas.

(Inside Out, Outside In)

This content equips caring professionals to view themselves as worthy of the same care, kindness, and support that they provide daily to those they serve. You’ll start by revising and rethinking what “caring” means, explore setting healthy boundaries, and also examine the Eight Dimensions of Wellness as a framework for selfcare.

Self Care (Inside out, Outside In)
Designing Effective Professional Development

Designing Effective
Professional Development

Use evidence-based, school-possible principals of adult engagement to create transformative learning experiences for adults that they will not only live out loud, but remember forever.

The Story so far.......

Most of the folks I work with are school leaders and district leaders who have been trying to build inclusive, warm learning spaces that truly see and value the whole child, often without much support or sufficient resources to do the work.

As they look for the support and resources they need, they’ll often (and understandably) turn to tools they have, even when they don’t match the problems they want to solve. This can look like:

  • Creating intervention blocks without considering whether the intervention matches the issue or how to train the interventionists effectively. 
  • Implementing Positive Behavior Interventions and Support frameworks and stopping at tickets, posters, and assemblies.
  • Purchasing boxed curricula and interventions without thoroughly examining what has to stop to make room in the schedule to use them.

This usually happens because school leadership is an all-consuming job, and we’re often left to do enormous tasks even when necessary support isn’t available. So, school/district leaders will often seek outside support…from someone who doesn’t (or can’t) empathize with leaders like you well enough to understand the genuine challenges, constraints, and overall size and shape of the project.

What I do is show up for these leaders and leaders like you with the perfect blend of empathy, research, training experience, and professional sass to create inclusive professional learning experiences where every educator feels seen, heard, included, respected, and cared for.

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