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PBIS Tier 1

Tier 1 PBIS is a framework designed to foster a positive school climate and prevent behavioral issues by implementing evidence-based strategies across the entire school community. At this first tier, the focus is on establishing a strong foundation for behavior support that benefits all students, regardless of their individual needs. This universal approach involves clearly defining behavioral expectations, teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors, and providing consistent feedback to students.

In Tier 1 PBIS, we emphasize the importance of teaching social-emotional skills and explicitly teaching expected behaviors in various school settings, such as classrooms, hallways, and common areas. We also implement systems for acknowledging and reinforcing these positive behaviors through recognition and specific positive feedback. By creating a predictable and supportive environment where positive behaviors are consistently reinforced, we aim to reduce the occurrence of challenging behaviors and promote a sense of belonging and well-being among all students.

Furthermore, Tier 1 PBIS involves collaboration among all stakeholders, including administrators, teachers, support staff, students, and families. Together, we work to establish a common language and set of expectations, implement effective classroom management strategies, and use data to monitor progress and make informed decisions. By implementing Tier 1 PBIS practices with fidelity, we can create a school culture where every student feels valued, respected, and empowered to succeed academically and socially.

Other vendors might recommend school stores or recognition systems where points turn into prizes. TGS Educational Consulting does not recommend these practices, and would not include them as part of a Tier 1 PBIS framework. We also won’t schedule trainings that require teachers and administrators to be out of their building for several days. Most importantly, our work together is meant to stop admiring discipline data issues as they get worse throughout the year. Instead, we will build systems and skills that will use your discipline data to solve problems so that they stay solved. This can only happen when we understand that reducing disproportionate impact in discipline data, for example, is not the same as dismantling the systems that caused the disproportionate impact in the first place.

PBIS 101

Positive Reinforcement
Dos and Don’ts

Tier 1-
Problem Solving TEmplate

PBIS Tier 1

School-wide essentials.

Tier 1 is where schools should usually begin their PBIS implementation. Together, we’ll uncover school values and build the systems necessary to live those values out loud throughout your campus and beyond.

PBIS Tier 2

Systems to provide some extra support and care.

Tier 2 is where PBIS begins to “sing.” Once built, your Tier 2 systems will be ready to support any students who needs a little extra support and care to be their best, all within a framework that’s easy to implement and monitor.

PBIS Tier 3

Whatever we can, for as long as it takes.

Tier 3 supports are for the student who is always on your mind and heart, and for the staff working to meet their needs. At Tier 3, we will work together to build systems of support for individual students that are based on a comprehensive look at overall wellness, student-led goals, and care for the entire team and family.

PBIS: Comprehensive Implementation

Whatever we can, for as long as it takes.

Tier 2 is where PBIS begins to “sing.” Once built, your Tier 2 systems will be ready to support any students who needs a little extra support and care to be their best, all within a framework that’s easy to implement and monitor.

Most importantly, know that starting out with PBIS will never require you to “start over” with anything you have already built that is working well for you. We are looking forward to building the kinds of classrooms and schools that those you serve will remember as warm, kind, and supportive places to learn.


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