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Individual Behavior Support Planning Template

Because students are not a problem to solve.

“Behavior is not the problem. Behavior is the solution a human being is choosing for their problem.”
-Virtually everyone who works with behavior, including TGS Educational Consulting.

While severe unexpected behaviors at school are tremendously challenging–most of all for children/youth whose needs are unmet–students themselves are not the problem schools should aim to solve. Nevertheless, most behavior plans have goals that sound like this:

“Student will earn [x points] on their token board, in group and 1:1 sessions, for at least 80% of days until expiration of this [BSP/BIP/IEP/504].” 

The goal above clearly makes the behavior (and, by extension, the student) the problem. When we write goals that emphasize behaviors we’d rather not see, we end up with support plans that are more about compliance and control than about addressing real issues. This is a problem because:

  1. Compliance and control are fleeting. Children and youth have free will, just like us adults.
  2. Easier solutions are neglected in favor of time-consuming strategies that won’t likely work for long, if at all.

What makes these kinds of goals even trickier to implement is that we usually need a 6-8 week data collection / evaluation process even to get the goal written, let alone develop any strategies we think would help the student achieve the goal. In the meantime, the student/youth is unsupported, as is their teacher and every other student in the classroom. To be direct, the typical Individual Behavior Support Plan process takes too long, often without meaningful input from the student or their family.

But what if our goals looked beyond the behavior to see the student? They might sound like this:

 “Student will be offered a snack, and time outside with their class. Loss of recess not to be included in consequences for unexpected behaviors. Adults will provide positive feedback using established PBIS recognition system, and will validate feelings and establish connection before correction. Family to be connected with the local food bank and counseling resources. Once the team verifies that we have attended to all of the above, the student will participate in play-based and task-based coaching, where the paraprofessional will model how to complete academic tasks, ensuring that tasks match readiness. When necessary, adults will prompt expected behaviors using a minimum of words.” 

Even better, a well-trained team can get to this goal in about an hour, assuming they’ve used their already-established processes for recording discipline data. And, best of all, the child and family lead the process from the outset.

Tier 1 Problem-Solving Template (T1PS Template) training includes how to:

  • Look beyond the behavior to uncover and understand unmet needs.
  • In partnership with the student and their family, create classroom-possible strategies that you are confident will work.
  • Use data you already collect to define success and measure progress.

TGS Educational Consulting’s Individual Behavior Support Plan Template does not replace your current evaluation processes for RTI/MTSS, 504, or specialized education. Instead, the Individual Behavior Support Plan Template will replace any barrier to support with an actionable plan we can start anytime.

Individual Behavior Support Planning Template

PBIS Tier 1

School-wide essentials.

Tier 1 is where schools should usually begin their PBIS implementation. Together, we’ll uncover school values and build the systems necessary to live those values out loud throughout your campus and beyond.

PBIS Tier 2

Systems to provide some extra support and care.

Tier 2 is where PBIS begins to “sing.” Once built, your Tier 2 systems will be ready to support any students who needs a little extra support and care to be their best, all within a framework that’s easy to implement and monitor.

PBIS Tier 3

Whatever we can, for as long as it takes.

Tier 3 supports are for the student who is always on your mind and heart, and for the staff working to meet their needs. At Tier 3, we will work together to build systems of support for individual students that are based on a comprehensive look at overall wellness, student-led goals, and care for the entire team and family.

PBIS: Comprehensive Implementation

Whatever we can, for as long as it takes.

Tier 2 is where PBIS begins to “sing.” Once built, your Tier 2 systems will be ready to support any students who needs a little extra support and care to be their best, all within a framework that’s easy to implement and monitor.

Most importantly, know that starting out with PBIS will never require you to “start over” with anything you have already built that is working well for you. We are looking forward to building the kinds of classrooms and schools that those you serve will remember as warm, kind, and supportive places to learn.


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